how it works

An expert team

What separates TH Coaching from everything else out there is the combination of physical training, expert nutrition and mindset coaching, teaching clients how to be balanced across all aspects of life. This isn’t about fads or short-term plans, Tristan’s team works with people who are ready to commit to long-lasting change and are willing to put in the effort to achieve it.

*limited places available



Enabling you to feel and look better

For most clients, level one will be about creating positive and lasting changes to your mobility, strength and appearance. In re-setting and strengthening the physical foundations around nutrition, consistency and exercise, we can move to level two.



Helping you rest and recover

We’ll start to look at where you can achieve greater balance in your life to make sure you are getting the right amount of rest and recovery across all areas, from relationships to work, sleep and movement. We’ll work together on your specific growth plan that outlines the right actions in the right order to achieve the biggest impact.



Improving your mindset

This third level will help you become more aware of the big possibilities in your life, remove any self-limiting beliefs and get you motivated for your future. We’ll achieve this through positively changing your mindset around what’s possible and setting some very specific goals to work towards.

Are you tired of feeling stuck?

At TH Coaching, we believe change happens when we attend to both the body and the mind with equal focus, creating balance and generating sustainable long-term growth. In working across these areas simultaneously, we can positively improve the way you look, feel and view yourself. We’ll get you thinking differently - not only about the life you have but the kind of future you want to create for yourself. Through working with TH Coaching, we can give you the energy, confidence and capacity to do everything you want. From feeling able to get up on a stage in front of a room full of people, ask for the kind of relationship you want; lose weight or just exercise around a medical condition.

While we know people have different reasons for coming to us, we prefer to work with people who can commit to working on their body AND their mind. This enables us to stay true to Tristan’s philosophy and deliver the best results for our clients.


TH Coaching is made up of an expert team of Personal Trainers, Nutritionists and Life Coaches, all operating under Founder Tristan Hand’s philosophy.


A customised app experience alongside online support from coaches with daily reminders and nutritional advice.


Regardless of your programme, Tristan’s team is on hand to provide one-to-one support every step of the way. We only work with a limited number of clients at any one time so our coaches can provide the dedicated time and attention required to help you make meaningful change.


Take the first step - fill in this form to arrange a personal consultation call