Share Your Story

So many of our clients come to TH Coaching through word-of-mouth, which shows just how important words are. With that in mind, I have a small favour to ask…

If you’ve thought highly of the work we’ve done together, please consider writing a testimonial. It doesn’t have to be long – about where you were, how far you’ve come and the ways in which we’ve supported your growth. As you know, we have a fairly unique approach to attending to both body and mind with equal focus, so if there is a way to bring that in, it would help us a lot. 

All you need to do is email us and say whether you’re happy for us to put your name to it. If it helps, this questionnaire will guide you through articulating your story. We’ll likely use it on the website, in marketing emails and potentially on social media. Or if you’re willing to write a testimonial but would rather remain anonymous, that’s ok too, just specify on the form or in your email.

Feel free to share your story on any of the following platforms:





Thank you, 
