Why is strength important?

Why is strength important?

Strength is one of the most important pillars and is needed to achieve almost anything in life. I’m very careful about using the term ‘need’. Because it can sometimes put guilt on a person and we’ve enough of that in our lives (especially if...
What kind of goals do you have?

What kind of goals do you have?

Today we’re going to talk about the two main types of goals we can have, and how to use them to get results. Pain vs Pleasure The first type of goal – and often the strongest one – is a negative goal – that’s when we’re changing something...
How Fitness Creates Balance in Life

How Fitness Creates Balance in Life

I had a few phone calls earlier with people interested in training. Usually everyone that is training with us, starts first with a phone call, then if we feel we’re the right fit, then we move to a consultation where we have them come into the studio.  I...
Give bootcamps the boot

Give bootcamps the boot

The New Year brings a lot of ‘Get Ripped Quick’ plans, focussed on creating a ‘new you’ in a short amount of time. It is ALWAYS a good idea to reevaluate and find motivation where you can – the New Year is perfect for that. But forget the...
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.

Imagine you’ve just walked through our door. You know why you’re here. Once we’ve talked for a while, I’ll know why too.  You might have a concrete goal in mind – a weight you’d like to lift, or a race time you’d like to...